Fujiyama Dojo P.O. Box 20003 Thorold, ON, Canada L2V 5B3 (905) 680-6389 |
In regards to its versatility, the sun-tetsu, could be considered one of the most ingenious weapons of ko ryu bujutsu. Common to several traditional styles, the sun-tetsu is most often defined as a concealed weapon of defense, with techniques that oppose empty hand and sword attacks equally effectively. Since it is designed to be used one in each hand, deflecting and countering can be done simultaneously. Particularly impressive are the series of techniques designed to fend off the spear.
The sun tetsu's main purpose is to strike vulnerable areas, but it is also used to aid in throwing, or pinning the attacker. The shape of the weapon is simple and has changed very little with the passing of time. Some used by women were more stylized (although no less effective) and looked almost like an attractive ornament.
Sun-tetsu training requires conditioning in the skill of striking with either end and the center of the weapon, so speed, power and precision can be developed. It's strategy, like with any small defensive weapon, relies on blending and avoidance (awase and sabaki).